I would describe myself as a keen but sometimes inconsistent golfer whose game can be an annoying mixture of very good and very bad shots, with only a few between those extremes. I have had lessons from several golf coaches over the years aiming to rid myself of this inconsistency and I have found Peter Thompson’s methods by far the most successful. His coaching facility allows me understand much better what errors are present in my set-up and swing and what adjustments I could make to encourage better outcomes.
Some golf coaches I tried previously explained my faults and potential fixes but without any means of showing me what was going on – and some offered far too much detailed information for me to take on board during the lesson. Peter is careful to prioritize and sequence his observations and adjustments. Additionally, video playback allows you to see what you are actually doing, versus what you think you are doing. Still-shots of ‘fault and fix’ allow you to visualize what was causing the problem and the adjustment Peter has made to correct it. His accompanying notes are very useful to consolidate the lesson and remind you of what you are trying to achieve. I will not pretend I have banished inconsistency. However, the poor shots are fewer in number; the better shots much more in evidence. That, I believe, is very much a result of Peter’s style of coaching, allied to his expert use of his comprehensive studio facility.
Peter Says: Rachel has steadily reduced her handicap from 20 to 5 and I expect several more reductions in her handicap as her stance, posture and swing become even more consistent.