Welcome to Peter Thompson Golf

Teaching facts rather than theories

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Several years ago one of my pupils suggested that I should record my teaching methods for future golfers. Having only ever taught on a one to one basis it did represent a challenge. The internet and particularly You Tube seemed to be the way forward and a window to my teaching methods to any golfer in the world was opened.

My philosophy for teaching has evolved by studying the best golfer’s techniques over the last 150 years.

The best players in the world have all had similar characteristics in their swings and I call these the common denominators. It is these common denominators that I have used in my lessons and in assembling my lesson library.

Teaching facts rather than theories

I am a great believer in teaching facts rather than theories / opinions / ideas. I only ever instruct my pupils on movements that I can prove are correct and that my pupils are physically capable of achieving.

Reducing a handicap from +1 to +5 or reducing one’s score from 160 to 150 are both of equal importance to the golfer concerned. A complete beginner’s ambition could be to simply hit the ball.

On my site there are over 190 Teaching Videos and E-Books in my Library built up over the last 20years covering all aspects of the game and include my Myths of Golf, Top tips and E-Books and all for a small monthly subscription of £4.95 per month (The cost of a monthly golf magazine) New Videos added monthly

Subscribe today and learn from my teaching

Subscribers to my site can view all of the videos and E-Books 24/7 for just £4.95 per month or £48.00 annually.

For a personal touch, online lessons are available exclusively to subscribers at a cost of £35.00 per lesson – see lesson page for details.

Subscribers can also contact me for free advice.

Have a look at my free videos.
  • All Teaching Videos
  • All Myths of Golf
  • All eBooks
  • All Top Tips
  • Free advice
  • Personal Lessons from £25.00

Don’t take my word for it

With currently over 3500 subscribers to my online resources and pages full of testimonials I have built up a solid base of pupils all wanting to learn the right way to play this great game of Golf.

Here’s some of the feedback from my previous students.

Peter Thompson – Professional Golfers’ Association Fellow Professional

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