Teaching Videos

My Teaching videos are an in-depth analysis of how the worlds best golfers have and continue to play golf. I recognise that we are all different in some way so my teaching videos are very pragmatic.


Teaching Video 41 – What happens first – the swing or the shot?

I will explain my thoughts on what happens first. By changing one’s mindset dramatic changes for the better will happen.

Teaching Video 40 – What does the word ‘pitch’ mean?

The word pitch is probably the most misunderstood word in the game of golf. I  will explain what it actually means and when you understand the real meaning of the word pitch your  game will become a easier to play.

Teaching Video 39 – Left arm and club at address.

Should the left arm and club be in a straight line at address or should there be a kink or even a double kink? I  will explain how I think it should be with the help of the greatest golfer the world has ever seem – Jack Nicklaus.

Teaching Video 38 – Playing in the wind.

Sometimes you will have to play in the wind. I used to really enjoy playing in the wind and so can you.

Teaching Video 37 – Course management.

With a little thought before every shot you can save many shots in every round.

Teaching Video 36 – The magic move and the golf secret.

I have two documents in my studio entitled ‘The Magic Move‘ and ‘The Golf Secret’  I know they sounds very gimmicky and against my teaching principles but they are actually very good and I use the contents to improve my pupils technique every week. This DVD is a revelation.

Teaching Video 35 – Putting – the remaining 20%.

If you have mastered the vital 80% (Teaching Video 34)  then this DVD will improve your putting even more.

Teaching Video 34 – Putting – the vital 80%.

A typical fairway can be 12,000 square yards in size and a typical green 500 square yards in size. In comparison the hole is tiny – a mere four and a quarter inches in diameter. I will explain the vital 80% and your putting will certainly improve.

Teaching Video 33 – Shaping shots – low shots.

Sometimes a low shot can be very  advantageous. I will explain how to produce a low shot with your normal swing with subtle variations.

Teaching Video 32 – Shaping shots – high shots.

Sometimes a high shot can be very advantageous. I will show you how to produce a high shot using your normal swing with subtle variations.

Teaching Video 31 – Shaping shots – the fade.

Sometimes a fade can be very advantageous. I will show you how to produce a fade with your normal swing with subtle variations.

Teaching Video 30 – Shaping shots – the draw.

Sometimes a draw can be very advantageous. I will explain how to produce a draw with your normal swing with subtle variations.

Teaching Video 29 – Sand shots.

A sand wedge is designed specifically to allow the golfer to extract the golf ball from the sand using their normal swing with subtle variations. Sand shots from a few yards to hundreds of yards will be explained and the fear of sand shots will vanish.

Teaching Video 28 – Short shots.

All golf shots from a drive to a putt are basically the same as every golf shot has to be hit forward towards the target. The height the ball goes and the length the ball travels are all under the golfers control and so it is with the short shots. This video will reduce your scores by using your normal swing with subtle variations.

Teaching Video 27 – Speed not power.

I never use the word ‘power‘ to describe a golf swing to my pupils. The distance the ball travels has got nothing to do with ‘power‘ but everything to do with club head speed applied correctly.

Teaching Video 26 – The knee movement in the swing.

Your knees are very important and this great video will show you what your knees should do from the address position to the finish of your swing depending, as always, on each person’s physique.

Teaching Video 25 – Impact – the moment of truth.

Impact – the agony and the ecstasy of the shot. Will the ball go 50 yards when you want it to go 20 yards or will it be lost forever? I will ensure you understand the impact position as never before and the results will allow you to hit the ball where you want to more often. A great video.

Teaching Video 24 – Starting the down swing.

Ask 100 golfers how they start their down swing and you will receive 100 different answers. This is very confusing. I  will show you how the best golfers actually start their down swing. No opinions just plain facts.

Teaching Video 23 – Alignment procedure.

Imagine an Olympic archer or marksman not having an alignment procedure to ensure they are aiming at at the target or a professional darts player not having a procedure prior to throwing the dart. A penalty taker in rugby always follows a set procedure before kicking the ball. I will take you through the vital task of being in position before you start back swing. The alignment procedure is a vital part of anyone’s game.

Teaching Video 22 – A square club face – What does it mean?

A thorough understanding of where the club face is throughout the swing is guaranteed to improve the direction of your shots. A great video with excellent visuals and explanations.

Teaching Video 21 – The Finish.

Is it important?  Will it effect the outcome of the shot?  If you can hold your finish your shots will improve and so will your scores.

Teaching Video 20 – The hip movement in the back swing.

A correct hip movement will transform your swing.The greatest golfer ever, Jack Nicklaus said ‘the hips must turn‘ Bobby Jones was so good at playing golf that he retired in 1930 at the age of 28 having won the British Amateur Championship once, the Open for the third time, the American Amateur Championship for the fifth time and the American Open for the forth time. All of this as an amateur – true golfing genius.Bobby Jones said ‘I get my hips underway before my hands have made any attempt to swing the head of the club.’ Greg Norman and Tom Watson start their back swings with a hip turn.This video is completely factual with all of the proof you will need to hit longer and straighter shots with a physically more comfortable swing.

Teaching Video 19 – Left arm straight or bent in the back swing?

There is not a definite answer to the question but I will, in my  factual way, produce some great insight into the question of the left arm  and by following my advice you will become more consistent with your shots and therefore lower your scores.

Teaching Video 18 – How far should the back swing go?

I will explain in this video how one of golf’s most frequently asked questions is finally given an authoritative and logical answer by simply watching and analysing how far some  the best golfers in the world actually take the golf club back.

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