Teaching Videos

My Teaching videos are an in-depth analysis of how the worlds best golfers have and continue to play golf. I recognise that we are all different in some way so my teaching videos are very pragmatic.


Teaching Video 17 – The reason for the Back swing.

This excellent video will explain the real reason for the back swing. The back swing is probably not as you thought. By changing your mindset a rapid improvement in your entire game will ensue.

Teaching Video 16 – The swing shape.

All aeroplanes have the same basic shape and yet they all look different. All good golfers have the same basic swing shape and they also appear to be different. I have spent many years studying the basic shapes of golfers and the factual conclusions are all in this absorbing video. Byron Nelson, in 1945, had a stroke average of 68.33 shots per round. Tiger Woods in 2000 had an average score of 67.79 for all of the rounds he played that year. These two averages are the lowest ever recorded since golf began more than 600 years ago. Their swing shapes are virtually identical. You will improve your golf as soon as you learn the basic swing shape.

Teaching Video 15 – The 105 degree line.

A fascinating title with a completely unique look at the line/angle/plane of the back swing. No one has ever used this 105 degree line before and Peter uses it to great effect. A must see video.

Teaching Video 14 – The swing plane.

If you are one of the many thousands of golfers who do not really understand what a swing plane is then I  will help you to understand it in this video. My very easy to understand explanations and factual analysis of great golf swings will allow you to understand the swing plane and why it is important.

Teaching Video 13 – The wrist hinge in the back swing.

I will explain what a wrist hinge is, how to produce one, why it is important and what it achieves. In most swings it does not happen automatically. Everyone is different and wrist hinges can vary from 60 to 150 degrees. A very factual and fascinating video.

Teaching Video 12 – The body and arm movement combined in the back swing.

The enormous importance of combining the arm and body movement will be explained in this video and being able to understand this combination will  improve all of your shots from short shots to full drives.

Teaching Video 11 – The body movement in the back swing.

The body movement is of profound importance.  If the body movement is faulty then all of the peripheral parts ( hands, arms and golf club) cannot physically move correctly.  Analysis of some very great golf swings will explain the importance of the body movement.

Teaching Video 10 – The arm movement in the back swing.

This video will give you a powerful insight into the actual movement of the arms in the back swing. You will see some great golf swings and I explaining what they are actually doing and why.

Teaching Video 9 – The first move.

When the static parts have been assembled ( grip, address and posture) the back swing has to commence. I will explain how this happens in all good swings and I will prove all that I say in this very important video about a very important part of the swing.

Teaching Video 8 – The posture.

The posture is very important as it will essentially control the swing plane and the direction of the shot. I will explain why.

Teaching Video 7 – The address position.

I  break the stance in to two sections. The view from the front of the golfer is the address position and from down the line is the posture. This is done so the golfer can concentrate on one aspect at a time. This video will explain how the golfer needs to stand as viewed from the front.

Teaching Video 6 – The ball position.

The ball position is debated endlessly and I will unravel the mystery with my logical explanation of where and why the ball should be positioned. A great video and one that will improve everyone’s consistency.

Teaching Video 5 – The feet.

Your feet are your only contact with the ground and I believe they are one of the most important aspects of the entire game. This fantastic video will show you how and why you must position your feet in a certain way for maximum benefit throughout the swing.

Teaching Video 4 – The grip with both hands.

Ben Hogan in his book ‘The Modern Fundamentals of Golf ‘ devoted 18 pages on the grip. He thought it was very important.  The club head can be travelling  up to 140 m.p.h. and this video will explain how to link the hands together for maximum control of the golf club.

Teaching Video 3 – The right hand grip.

This video concentrates entirely on the right hand grip and another unique test will be explained.

Teaching Video 2 – The left hand grip.

Each hand is of equal importance when the club is gripped and this video will concentrate entirely on the left hand with a unique test explained.

Teaching Video 1 – The head.

If you want to hit longer, straighter and more consistent shots then this video will unlock your potential by giving you the freedom your swing needs.You will see the head movement of Tiger Woods, Ben Hogan and Henry Cotton and the contents of this video will truly amaze you with its factual accuracy and simplified approach to what the head really does in all good swings.Follow the principles and you will be able to make the necessary movements to produce longer, straighter and more consistent shots with less effort.

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